The importance of pre-wedding quality skin care

quality-skin-care-abloomnova.net_-1600x1067 The importance of pre-wedding quality skin care

If you’re planning on getting married soon, or even if you’re preparing for the upcoming wedding season – it’s important to get your skin in ship shape condition. But how do you get there? Three words: quality skin care, or more precisely, quality skin care on a consistent regime.

Thanks to, we find out how best to get a dewy complexion in time for the big day.

“Ask any esteemed aesthetician about pre-wedding beauty routines and she’s likely to tell you that regular facials (read: one each month, beginning at least six months prior to your walk down the aisle) combined with a consistent, quality skin-care routine are the secret to a flawless complexion. Traditional facials—with a thorough cleanse, exfoliation, extraction, and massage—at your favorite spa or dermatologist’s office can do wonders to clear and brighten your skin, but if you’re hoping to really transform the look and feel of your face before your wedding, do yourself a favor and book a microcurrent facial instead.

“Microcurrent has garnered plenty of buzz lately thanks to devotees like DJ and fitness expert Hannah Bronfman, who have documented the innovative antiaging treatment on social media. You’ve probably seen the Instagram and Snapchat stories of faces being stroked and smushed by a set of skinny metal wands; they emit a mild electrical current that stimulates the skin and facial muscles, causing a facelift-like effect.

“It’s a technology that’s been used for over a century to heal soft-tissue damage and other injuries by speeding up cell production and repair—and the results, even after a single appointment, are impressive. “In one 50-minute treatment, microcurrent will lift and contour the face, improve skin tone and texture, promote circulation and collagen production, and diminish fine lines, dark circles, and puffiness,” says facialist Shamara Bondaroff of New York City’s SB Skin. “It’s instant gratification with zero pain.”

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