How to get rid of shiny skin 

Gatineau-Melatogenine-AOX-Probiotics-Essential-Skin-Corrector-abloomnova.net_-1600x1117 How to get rid of shiny skin 

Have you got shiny skin? Finding moisturisers only exacerbate the problem? You’re using the wrong cream. Matis Reponse Purete Shine Control Purifying Care is the number one cream for shiny skin.

Thanks to GoodHousekeeping, we have a few pointers to bear in mind if youre looking to reduce the gleam.

  1. Understand your skin chemistry

That sheen you often see by noon is sebum (a combination of dead skin cells and lipids) secreted from sebaceous glands. While the lipids, or fats, do their job as buffers — protecting the skin from moisture-sucking elements — a high amount can quickly turn your skin from glistening to greasy. There’s a misconception that more oil is spewed during warmer months. In reality, “the heat melts the oil and makes it more like a liquid,” says Hilary E Baldwin, MD, dermatologist in Brooklyn, New York. “The excess sweat causes the oil to be even more obvious, like an oil slick on top of the water.”

Unfortunately, if you’re cursed with an overproduction of oil, there’s not much you can do about it. “The amount of ‘oiliness’ is genetically predetermined,” she explains. What you can do is alter your beauty regimen to keep it under control.

  1. Swap your cleanser

Be wary of cleansers that claim to reduce oil. “All cleansers (except those targeted for sensitive skin) will remove oil for the time being, but then it comes right back,” says Baldwin. Avoid products that might induce irritation, like those with too much detergent, or oil-based ones that are too gentle. Look for mild foaming formulas as opposed to creamy, which can cut through grease without over-drying skin.

Though it may not always be the case, an oil-slicked complexion is often linked to acne-prone skin. With sebum, there’s an increase in bacteria, which can lead to acne, says Emily Velez, Revision Skincare Field Education. To prevent breakouts, try pimple-targeted formulas with glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or benzoyl peroxide.

  1. Call in extra help

Add a de-greasing step to your routine with toner. In the morning, dab an alcohol-based toner to clean skin and help reduce shine throughout the day, says Baldwin. But, like cleansers, you won’t be completely oil-free. For midday pick-me-ups, carry single-use prepackaged wipes.

  1. Rethink your moisturiser

First, toss your creams and heavy lotions. For shine-prone skin, look for light, oil-free formulas. Baldwin believes in nixing lotion altogether. But if you’re consistently stripping your skin of all its natural lipids, it could cause your skin to overcompensate with even more oil. They key is balance, says Velez, who recommends a lotion with hyaluronic acid — a humectant that can effectively lock in moisture.


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