Oily skin and your night time treatment

Ella-Bache-Soin-Purifiant-Intensif-Creme-Intex-No°2-abloomnova.net_ Oily skin and your night time treatment

If you’re looking to improve the skincare regime for your oily skin, you may want to start reviewing your night time routine.

When it comes to oily skin, the evening is an important time to treat your skin, and these tips, thanks to Bona Fide Skincare.com, might give you some relief in the ongoing battle with over enthusiastic sebaceous glands…

1) Do a double cleanse in the evening – The first will remove surface grime, make up and oil.

The second will actually clean your skin and remove bacteria. Cleanse for at least 30 seconds.

2) At least every third night, steam your face – this opens pores and allows a deep cleanse.

Cleanse your skin. Hold your head over a bowl of steaming water for 15mins. Place a towel over your head like a ‘tent’ (but be sure you have a breathing hole!)

3) Splash your face with cold water and continue with the rest of your routine.

4) Use a product like Ella Bache Soin Purifiant Intensif Creme Intex No°2 – This active ingredient dissolves oil and dead skin cells, providing an even exfoliation. Consistent use can help prevent and treat acne.

5) Use a clean pillow case every night – Often an acne condition can be improved by simple hygiene steps – and this is one that is easy to do (especially if you use a lot of products in your hair!)

6) For specific pimples, apply a clay mask over night. This can greatly reduce their appearance, if not make them completely disappear!

Ella Baché recommends Ella Bache Soin Purifiant Intensif Creme Intex No°2 – Purifying Cream for shiny oily skin. From the beginning, this cream has been fully tried and tested. Its efficiency comes from a composition combining replenishing fishes oil, purifying and soothing thyme essential oil and purifying and absorbing talcum powder and zinc oxide. Instant results: Soothes inflammations

Promotes a matte smooth appearance while refining pores and progressively eliminating imperfections.

Instructions for use:

Apply a thin layer on the face and neck, preferably at night.


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