What is the secret of glowing skin?

Calcium-and-vitamin-d-benefits-abloomnova.net_-1600x1112 What is the secret of glowing skin?

Your skin is an organ, and because of that need to be looked after. However, when skin ages, it loses its suppleness, shape and glow that is associated with youth. As we get older, how do we avoid looking old? What are the secrets to glowing skin?

Here are a few tips to avoid skin damage and keep your skin healthy, glowing and fresh.

  1. Avoid long hot showers – hot water strips the skin of moisture and can easily dry it out. When bathing or showering, try to avoid exposure to your face, and stick with a good cleanser and a cold to warm flannel to cleanse.
  2. Aloe vera gel is powerful stuff. Buy yourself a plant and see what a difference it makes to your skin. The gel is very good for dry skin and can be used morning time or in the evening before bed.
  3. Cook with garlic – a lot! It may make your breath a bit smell, but a 1996 Danish study found that skin cells grown in a culture dish and treated with garlic had seven times the lifespan of cells grown in standard culture. They also tended to look healthier and more youthful than untreated cells. Plus, garlic extract dramatically inhibited the growth of cancerous skin cells.
  4. Eat oranges – packed with vitamin C, it is essential for the manufacture of collagen, which helps to keep the skin smooth and youthful. Other foods rich in vitamin C include guava, kiwi fruit and red peppers.
  5. Exfoliate regularly. Remove dead skin cells, with a loofah, scrub or body brush. This will keep ingrown hair and scaly skin down.
  6. Review your diet or look at supplements. Many nutrients are vital to healthy skin, including vitamins C, A and B.
  7. Try to avoid to touch your face. As hands are covered in germs, the touching of your face transfers these germs. Wash your hands regularly and keep the hand to face contact at a minimum.
  8. Look at your moisturiser. Often, moisturisers might be doing more harm than good. Speak to a dermatologist if you suffer from sensitive skin, make sure your cream is a heavier one during the winter months and focus on the quality of the brands you buy.
    Look after your skin, and your skin will look after you. If you can think of anymore glowing skin tips – get in touch!

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