Calcium, phosphorus and regulation in the body

Calcium-phosphorus-abloomnova.net_-1600x1067 Calcium, phosphorus and regulation in the body

Calcium, phosphorus and other essential minerals are found in the bones and blood – both have vital roles to play in many functions in the body. The two elements can play against each other – phosphorus affects calcium levels, and calcium can affect phosphorus levels.

Like calcium, phosphorus is regulated by the parathyroid hormone, vitamin D and the kidneys to maintain a healthy levels at all times.

If this level goes out of whack, serious health issues are noticeable, sometimes straight away.

When calcium and phosphorus are absorbed into the body through the small intestine. 99 per cent of these minerals are stored in the bones and are given out if and when the blood needs an extra calcium or phosphorus kick. Liekwise, when there is too much of these mineral in the blood, the excess is either carried to the bones, or excreted out.

It is the parathyroid gland’s job to monitor levels of calcium or phosphorus. If the calcium level is low, the parathyroid gland will release PTH, which is a signal to the kidneys to produce more active vitamin D. This then helps the body to absorb any available calcium or phosphorus that is present in the foods that are eaten. On top of this it tells the bones to secrete more calcium and phosphorus into the blood stream.

According to LiveStrong, “healthy kidneys will eliminate excess phosphorus and calcium in the blood. If kidney function is impaired, the body will not be able to get rid of extra phosphorus. High phosphorus levels stimulate the release of parathyroid hormone, which can cause complications when the normal mechanism for bone mineral management does not work correctly. A high phosphorus level may also result in a low calcium level. Calcium binds with phosphate and is deposited in the tissue. A buildup of these deposits causes calcification in the tissue, which can disrupt normal organ function. People with chronic kidney disease should work closely with their dietitian and doctor to control phosphorus, calcium and parathyroid levels.”

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