Good sources of calcium

Good-sources-of-calcium-abloomnova.net_-1600x1067 Good sources of calcium

Looking for some good sources of calcium? The good thing with calcium is that it is plentiful in a lot of foods. There are plenty of food groups which give good levels of calcium – foods that suit both vegans, lactose-free individuals and dairy-free folk. We’ll look at a few here:


Cheese, yoghurt and milk are prime sources of calcium. Yoghurt gives the most calcium pound for pound. If you’re looking at getting your calcium from milk, there is more of the mineral in skimmed milk than whole milk (this is because calcium is found in the watery part of milk, and the fat content in whole milk is obviously higher than in skimmed).


Vegetables are a great source of calcium – and leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, collard greens and broccoli are ideal candidates for calcium-rich foods.

Seeds and nuts

Sesame seeds and almonds read high on the calcium-o-meter. This is another win for vegans and anyone who does not permit dairy into their diets. Chia seeds are another great example – with a tablespoon providing eight per cent of the recommended daily value of bone-strengthening calcium. Even the word “Chia” is from the ancient Mayan word for strength.


Oily fish on bones are great sources of calcium. If you’re a big fish eater, focus on sardines, mackerel and salmon as the primary sources of the mineral if you’re looking to increase your calcium consumption.


Figs, rhubarb, kumquats and blackcurrants are all high in calcium. While rhubarb does contain a high amount oxalic acid which inhibits the absorption of calcium, the National Institutes of Health says, “For people who eat a variety of foods, these interactions probably have little or no nutritional consequence and, furthermore, are accounted for in the overall calcium DRIs, which factor in differences in absorption of calcium in mixed diets.”

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