How do I get radiant skin?

Thalgo-Source-Marine-Ultra-Radiance-Mask-abloomnova.net_-1600x1497 How do I get radiant skin?

What’s the biggest youth enhancing skin trick? We think its radiance – even before the removal of wrinkles and sagging skin. Once you have radiant skin, you’re glowing and full of life.

But how do you keep hold of radiant skin as you get older? Here’s some top tips from Mind Body Green

1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

There’s a reason we’re told to drink eight glasses of water a day. It’s what keeps our bodies moving, flushing toxins from our system and promoting blood flow. Getting proper hydration is the first — and very necessary — step to keeping our skin moist and vivid.

What you may not know is that your water intake doesn’t just have to come from the tap. You can easily increase your H20 consumption by eating hydrating foods such as cucumbers, watermelons and tomatoes. The green tea you’re drinking in the afternoon counts too!

2. Eliminate inflammatory agents.

Certain foods and ingredients can wreak havoc on the immune system, causing your body to go into fight-or-flight mode. Skin is your protective barrier, so when you consume irritating ingredients, your body may react by breaking out in rashes or blemishes.

While sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint a particular allergy, there are common types of foods known to be inflammatory: dairy, gluten, sugar, caffeine, and processed foods are good places to start.

3. Eat more fats (the good fats!).

Along with eliminating irritants from your diet, adding essential fatty acids helps prevent breakouts because of their anti-inflammatory properties. EFAs also help skin maintain moisture and repair damaged cells, keeping it plump and hydrated.

In turn, this reduces dullness and signs of aging. Foods high in healthy fats include salmon, sardines, flaxseeds, walnuts, eggs, and avocados.

4. Maintain a healthy gut.

Even if you adhere to a balanced diet, it won’t do you much good if your digestivesystem is out of whack. Adding probiotics to your meal plan can help you maintain a healthy level of good bacteria in your gut, thereby reducing inflammation that can trigger aggravating skin conditions. Probiotics may also increase collagen production, hydrate skin, and reduce fine lines.

An easy way to add these is through supplements as well as foods like kefir, yogurt (you can get lactose-free yogurt if dairy is an issue), sauerkraut, and tempeh.

5. Reduce stress.

Many breakouts are caused by hormonal imbalances or weakened immune systems. By not keeping our stress in check, we increase the chances of flare-ups. Certainly easier said than done, but try staying calm by incorporating exercise and meditation into your routine.

6. Swap your coffee for lemon water.

Lemon water is a great way to detox: it cleanses your body of harmful buildup while aiding in digestion and boosting immunity. Lemons, which are packed in nutrients such as vitamin C, also help stimulate collagen production and brighten your complexion.

7. Add antioxidants.

Sunscreen helps ward off harmful UV rays, and antioxidants fight free radicals, which can cause inflammation and break down collagen. But it’s also important to make sure you’re consuming foods with a good amount of vitamins A (carrots and sweet potatoes), C (citrus fruits and kale) and E (avocados and almonds).

For a shortcut, we use Thalgo Source Marine Ultra Radiance Mask is an instant radiance-booster that awakens dull complexions in 10 minutes. Which contains amazing ingredients which include:

• Zanthalene (Sichual pepper extract) – has a relaxing “botox-like” activity to offer instant “de-wrinkling”.
• Lumisource – detoxifies and improves the skin’s surface to improve radiance.
• Sève Bleue from the Oceans – significantly increases the skin’s moisture levels and stimulates its cellular metabolism.

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