Can fizzy water harm calcium bones density?

calcium-bones-abloomnova.net_-1600x1067 Can fizzy water harm calcium bones density?

Carbonated water has been enjoying record sales over the past decade. However, there has been some query over its health benefits compared to still water. Some people have claimed that while fizzy water is as hydrating as still water, there are some health risks to drinking it.

Over the past few years, carbonated water has been linked to IBS, tooth decay and calcium bone loss. We’ve looked at the facts, and can categorically say that most myths relating to the health risks of fizzy water, are pretty much unfounded.

Carbonated water is purely mineral water which has gone through a process where carbon dioxide has been added to it. Some brands add extra elements to it, a little bit of sodium, or a bit of fluoride – but most rely on good mineral-rich water from the naturally occurring springs or mountain sources found in numerous spots around the world.

While there are fizzy drinks that have added sweeteners, preservatives, colours and extra ingredients mixed in with them that could cause damage – the straight up fizzy water from Perrier, San Pellegrino and so on are completely harmless.

(In relation to IBS, there are no severe symptoms linking carbonated water to the condition. While experts agree that fizzy water can cause bloating, burping and gas which can lead to discomfort, there is nothing in a plain fizzy water that could exacerbate the illness. If you do suffer from IBS, then it might be a good idea to stick with still water.)

However, can carbonated water cause calcium to be leached from the bones? In a nutshell, no. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found a connection between carbonated cola drinks and lower bone mineral density. The research did not however show the same association with carbonated water. Perhaps due to the fact that colas beverages have phosphorus, which can increase the loss of calcium from the body through the kidneys.

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