Why we need to use moisturiser

REN-Vita-Mineral-Omega-3-Optimum-Skin-Oil-abloomnova.net_-1600x1068 Why we need to use moisturiser

When we wash our faces, we strip this oily coating off our skin. This makes us more susceptible to allergens and antigens (unwelcome, foreign microscopic bodies). It also leaves our skin exposed to the irritating, prematurely aging and even painful effects of the elements, pollution and cigarette smoke. By cleansing our faces with a gentle soap and then applying a layer of moisturizer (which also fills in tiny cracks in our skin’s defenses), we help keep our skin hydrated, healthy and attractive.

On the other hand, according to HowStuffWorks, you shouldn’t regularly moisturize your face if you’re not also regularly washing your face. To do so would only give you a thickening film of oil, dead skin and dirt, leading to many blocked pores and acne breakouts.

But what would happen if you never moisturised your face, regardless of washing habits or what type of skin you have? Keep reading to find out.

Just as there are different types of moisturiser, so too are there types of faces. Some people have naturally dry skin, while others have excessively oily skin. Still others have skin that is overly sensitive to allergens and climate, and others have some combination of these different types. The lucky among us have “normal” skin that is neither dry nor oily.

If the skin on your face is too dry, it’d be in for a rough ride if you stopped moisturizing. Dry skin is the result of the skin’s underproduction of sebum. Conditions such as hot or cold weather (or low humidity) only worsen the dryness. Without the assistance of an additional moisturizing agent, your skin would start cracking, itching and flaking and become tight and red. Your face would also age before its time, growing coarser.

Those with oily skin have the opposite problem — their skin produces too much oil. The excess oil leads to acne and a greasy appearance, requiring stronger soaps that then strip the oil off your face. Due to this constant stripping of oil, the face cycles through periods of extreme dryness in which it is left unprotected to the elements. The complete absence of moisturizer use wouldn’t diminish acne, and it would lead to premature aging and irritation.

Sensitive skin easily becomes irritated and red. Dryness can prompt a negative skin reaction, but so can the wrong moisturizer (especially if it contains perfumes). Unchecked dryness would exacerbate problems with sensitive skin, making it harder to maintain a healthy and attractive appearance in addition to causing severe discomfort.

Lack of moisturiser use would have similar effects on normal skin as well, though to a somewhat lesser degree.

If you opt not to forego moisturizing your skin for the rest of your life, make sure that you apply it correctly. Moisturiser prevents water that is already present on the skin from evaporating. For this reason, it’s important to apply moisturiser within about three minutes of bathing [source: American Academy of Dermatology]. Lightly pat your face dry after washing, then apply moisturizer. Putting moisturiser on a dry face will prevent external moisture from reaching the skin and seal in dryness.

Looking for a good moisturiser to use on your face? Use Ella Bache Hydra Repulp’ Creme Hyaluronic Hydratante – Hyaluronic Moisturising Cream, a deliciously smooth cream that melts into your skin, providing long-lasting protective hydration. Strengthens skin’s ability to retain moisture and maintain its optimum hydration level.



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