Why should we wear sun cream?

Gatineau-Renew-7-Detox-Purifying-Serum-Renewed-Skin-Appearance-abloomnova.net_ Why should we wear sun cream?

We should all know the benefits of wearing suncream by now – here’s just a few of the reasons, thanks to StyleCraze.

  1. Shields From Harmful UV Rays:

The continuously depleting ozone layer has put us at a higher risk of getting affected from the harmful rays of the sun. While you do need the sun for your daily dose of Vitamin D, it does not imply that you should put your health at risk! Applying sunscreen actually blocks these harmful rays from penetrating the skin and triggering skin disorders.

  1. Prevents Premature Aging:

All of us love to have younger looking, radiant, and healthy skin. And, this is one of the most convincing reasons to start using sunscreen. It shields your skin from developing signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines. Studies reveal that people below the age of 55 who used sunscreen had 24% lesser chances of developing these aging signs than non-sunscreen and occasional sunscreen users.

  1. Lowers Skin Cancer Risks:

While I started using sunscreen mainly for beauty reasons, this health benefit came as an advantage. Wear your sunscreen daily and over the days and months to shield your skin from the risk of various types of skin cancer, especially, melanoma. This is the worst type of skin cancers, which can be life threatening for women, particularly those who are in their 20s.

  1. Lowers Blotchiness on Face:

Apply sunscreen liberally on your face to prevent the onset of that irritating blotchiness and eruptions of red veins. This is also essential to prevent the onset of acne and other sun rays- induced damages.

  1. Prevents Sunburns:

Sunburns weaken your skin, subjecting it more to bruises. Your skin may suffer repeated attacks of peeling, swelling, redness, hives, and itching. And, this comes from the influence of UVB rays. The blisters can escalate the risk of skin cancer. A study published in ‘Annals of Epidemiology’ in August 2008 suggested that recurring occurrences of sunburns could actually put you at a higher risk of lethal melanoma. So, apply sunscreen and stay safe.

Guinot Uni Bronze is a tinted, anti-pigmentation sun cream for an even tan. This is best applied before sun exposure to help prevent the appearance of pigmentation and facilitate even tanning.

Before going out in the sun, apply cream evenly to entire face and décolleté. Re-apply regularly.

Nucleic Defense® DNA: The first sun protection concept which incorporates DNA molecules, in addition to sun filters. Their role is to absorb and neutralise the UV rays, which would otherwise have damaged the DNA of skin cells. This a unifying sunscreen SPF15 which is good in winter as well as other seasons.

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