Why caviar is good for the skin

Maria-Galland-Cell-Rejuvenating-Caviar-Mask-81-abloomnova.net_-1600x1059 Why caviar is good for the skin

Caviar is not just for blinis and champagne. It can also have a sizeable impact on your skin, as we’ve seen with Maria Galland Cell Rejuvenating Caviar Mask 81.

Maria Galland Cell Rejuvenating Caviar Mask 81 50ml is a rich mask for skin in need of intensive care is recommended whenever the skin has been subject to excessive stress, is tired or irritated. It contains strengthening caviar extract, smoothing milk proteins and nourishing vitamins. Dry skin becomes smoother and can store moisture better, and sensitive skin becomes more resistant.

But if you’re wondering how caviar can benefit the skin, here’s a couple of ways (thanks to BoldSky for these factoids).

  1. The Goodness Of The Sea: Wonder why the sea breeze gives you that fresh look? Marine climate and the elements of sea or ocean water have been proven to benefit the skin. Sea salts, for example, are used to bathe. Caviar is also essentially marine and has all the goodness of sea minerals.
  2. Skin’s Protein Diet: You can say that caviar is your skin’s protein diet. Our skin and the muscles under it are basically made up of protein, that is, amino acids. Caviar is rich in amino acids that will be directly absorbed into the skin. This ensures regular rejuvenation of your skin to make you look younger and less tired.
  3. Human Like Cells: The cell structure of caviar is very similar to the structure of a human skin cell. Strange as it sounds this really speeds up the rejuvenation process of your skin. Caviar helps produce better quality collagen for the skin at an invigorated speed. It slows down the process of aging considerably.
  4. Glow Like A Glow Fish: Caviar is not made of the eggs of the glow fish, but it can make you glow like one. Being sea food, caviar is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. That is basically good cholesterol for your skin. These good fats form a layer of pure shine on your skin.

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