Calcium stomach acid – the natural remedy

Calcium-stomach-acid-abloomnova.net_-1600x1067 Calcium stomach acid – the natural remedy

Many people suffer from indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux. The triggers are normally greasy food, over indulgence, alcohol and lying down too soon after eating.

Acid reflux occurs when valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus stays open when it should be closed shut. This valve is called the lower oesophageal sphincter (LES). When this occurs, stomach contents go back up into the oesophagus, and can shoot up into the mouth. Symptoms can include heartburn, regurgitation of food, sore throat, hoarse voice and cough.

So what can you do to relieve these symptoms? Most people turn to a well-established product on the market like Rennies or Gaviscon. However, these do not get rid of the problem, they just reduce the amount of acid.

Calcium supplements are recommended in order to sort any acid problems out like heartburn and reflux because calcium tightens the lower oesophageal sphincter valve. Many people are happy with calcium carbonate, but most people like calcium citrate. This is because it is the most soluble, and is mildy acidic. As it is mildly acidic, it is definitely not an antacid, like Rennies and Gaviscon.

Calcium citrate powder is the best form of calcium supplement to address acid issues. Take 250 mg, dissolved in water, after every meal and at bedtime (for a total daily dose of 1,000 mg). Swallowing calcium pills does not prevent reflux because the calcium is not instantly dissolved.

Antacids are not recommended to address these acid-related problems. Why? According to one blog from Leo Galland MD, “People who have been taking acid-lowering drugs for several weeks or more on a daily basis may have difficulty discontinuing them. When the stomach is deprived of acid, it produces more acid-secreting cells in order to compensate. The result is that even though the initial symptoms are not due to hyperacidity, attempting to stop the drug can create hyperacidity. The solution is to slowly taper off the drug, under a doctor’s supervision, while taking steps to remedy the underlying cause.”

Next time you’re in a situation where you’re suffering from heart burn and/or acid reflux, try calcium and see how effective it can be.




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