Category Archives: Body Care

Is it OK to take a calcium supplement without vitamin D?

Taking a calcium supplement is important for anyone who suffers from calcium deficiency through diet [...]

Different calcium supplements proven to not affect CVD

A new report recently published has disproved the link between taking different calcium supplements and [...]

One pharmacist’s take on calcium supplements and constipation

When you take calcium supplements, you run a slight risk of developing constipation. What is [...]

Milk and calcium – the best source?

When people think about calcium, they think of milk. Milk and calcium have gone hand in [...]

Why are calcium tablets with vitamin d important?

For anyone looking in to taking calcium supplements, you may be wondering why are calcium [...]

What should my daily calcium intake be?

Recent studies show that the majority of the population in the UK are calcium deficient. [...]

Does calcium make you grow taller?

In this age of tweaking our looks and appearance, could we actually become taller by [...]

What would happen if there were no calcium in the body?

The blog,, answered the question, what would happen if there were no calcium in [...]

High calcium levels in blood

Like anything – too much calcium can be a bad thing. High calcium levels in [...]

Are there any side effects of calcium citrate?

While calcium supplements aren’t for everyone – it is uncommon for any bad side effects. [...]

Why women’s calcium supplement is important

Women are urged to take calcium predominately for bone development. Young women need to focus [...]

Why you should take vitamin D with calcium

If you know anything about vitamins and minerals, you’ll know that you should take vitamin [...]

A guide to choosing a calcium supplement

Walk into any health shop and the amount of supplements available may seem overwhelming. When [...]

Which calcium supplement is best absorbed by the body?

Which calcium supplement is best absorbed by the body? Well, the most absorbent supplement you [...]

What kind of calcium should I take?

What kind of calcium you should take is a completely personal choice. Some people prefer [...]

What is the best type of calcium to take?

Wondering what the best type of calcium to take? Well, there’s a lot of choice, [...]

What is the safest calcium supplement to take?

If you’re looking for the safest calcium supplement to take, read on. All kinds of [...]

When to take calcium supplements

If you’ve studied your diet and have reckoned that your dietary calcium is well below [...]

What is calcium carbonate?

Calcium Carbonate is a type of calcium supplement which is recommended to an individual if [...]

The truth about calcium in milk

Two things are fact. Calcium is important to the body for many reasons. And milk [...]

Side effects of calcium supplements

Calcium supplements are taken by a large amount of the UK population. In the grand [...]

What causes high calcium levels in the body?

What causes high calcium levels in the body? Here’s a few causes, but if you [...]

What are some vegetarian calcium sources?

While it fairly easy to get your fair amount of calcium day to day, some [...]

Taking calcium supplements improves balance

A calcium-rich diet is recommended to everyone, especially older people who have an increased risk [...]

Importance of calcium in the body

If you’re wondering whether to take a calcium supplement, take a look at this list [...]

Do we need calcium supplements for children?

It may seem like an uphill struggle in making sure your child has it’s a [...]

How low calcium levels can affect babies

Low calcium doesn’t just effect older people. Neonatal hypocalcemia can take place when a baby [...]

Can I still breastfeed with low blood calcium?

Breastfeeding requires a ton of willpower to get right, and a ton of physical resources [...]

Do you suffer from low calcium?

You may eat healthily, exercise regularly and generally look after yourself, however, you may not [...]

The extraordinary benefits of calcium in the body

The association between osteoporosis and calcium deficiency is well known. However, the benefits of calcium [...]

Do I need to take calcium supplements? 

For anyone suffering from a calcium deficiency, there are two things you can do change [...]

How to improve your hair with a calcium citrate supplement.

A calcium citrate supplement can do many things. From sending calcium back to depleted stores [...]

Are calcium and magnesium to be added to water?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) have released a paper outlining possible plans to add calcium [...]

What is the calcium content in food?

What is the calcium content in food? Is it really possible to have a calcium-rich [...]

Pictures of calcium related conditions

Too much or too little calcium can have a catastrophic effect on the human body. [...]

Will calcium and magnesium be added to drinking water?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) have released a paper outlining possible plans to add calcium [...]

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