Why do our necks sag as we age?

Guinot-Longue-Vie-Cou-abloomnova.net_-1600x1067 Why do our necks sag as we age?

They say that no matter how much care we take over our appearance, our eyes, hands and neck are the body parts that always give the game away. With our eyes, the skin is so thin and delicate, with our hands – they see a lot of wear and tear over the years. But what is it about our neck that ages quickly? Consumer Health Digest explains:

If you currently have the sagging neck skin, there are some steps you can take to reduce it. This includes certain neck exercises, specialty creams and surgery if necessary. The steps that you take to combat your sagging neck skin will be dependent on the severity of the case. Keep in mind, the longer you take to seek treatment, the more extreme it will have to be. The smart thing to do is to prevent the sagging skin before it happens.

What Causes Sagging Neck Skin?

Sagging of your neck skin is caused by gravity, the sun and, of course the natural aging process. Sagging neck skin can also be the result of genetics. If you have family members who have the dreaded turkey neck, or other sagging neck skin, chances are that you are predisposed to develop the same problem. There are preventative steps that can be taken to reduce and minimize the sagging neck skin that occurs, which are highlighted below.

When do Men and Women Start Showing Signs of Sagging Neck?

In most cases, a person will begin to notice sagging neck skin when they reach their mid-40s. This is when the skin begins to lose its elastin and ability to “bounce back” when stretched or when gravity pulls on it, which is inevitable. There are many cases, however, of a person having signs of sagging neck skin prior to this age. In most cases this will be due to a large weight loss or prolonged exposure to harmful UV light from the sun or other artificial sources, such as a tanning bed. While men have the same issues with sagging neck skin as women, it is more of a cosmetic issue for many women that wish to maintain their youthful appearance.

The firming serum, Guinot Longue Vie Cou has a specific action on the neck, working on the epidermis and reinforcing your skin’s elasticity. The skin on your neck becomes tighter, firmer and more even, while the depth of wrinkles is reduced.

It contains 56 active cell ingredients: The 56 active cell ingredients make up the complex necessary to restore elastic tissue.

A glowing review from one of our customers, Tara G: “As always Abloomnova delivers with their Guinot Longue Vie Cou. I absolutely love the Guinot products and at such a great price, there’s no contest. Used with the Longue Vie Levres, Longue Vie Yeux & Longue Vie Cellulaire, there is no comparison. Highly recommended products from a highly recommended supplier.

Thank you :O)”

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