Category Archives: Hair care

Tips for girls with oily hair

Oily hair can be a major drag. Not only is it time consuming to wash [...]

The benefits of a hair mask

If you are wondering what exactly is a hair mask, it is a deep conditioning [...]

How to care for your blonde hair

As gorgeous as blonde hair is, it’s by no means an easy feat to maintain. [...]

Are you washing your hair correctly?

Shampooing your hair should be pretty straightforward. But are you doing it right? Here’s some [...]

Curly hair styling tips

Want to know some good tips for styling curly hair. Roll up and check these [...]

Tips for styling hair

Looking for tips on how to style hair? Look no further, these tips from Matrix, [...]

Volumising tips for thin hair

For fine hair, it’s actually very simple: Less is more. Stick to volumising mists at [...]

Dealing with frizzy hair

Dealing with frizzy hair can be a problem. But with these tips from Cosmopolitan might [...]

How to use hairspray

Hairsprays come in different types and strengths, just like shampoos, to suit each type of [...]

Getting the most out of brown or black hair

Some brown hair often needs a little pick me up to show off its natural [...]

How to deep cleanse your scalp

Ever thought about scrubbing your hair? Probably not, but for some hair, it is the [...]

How do you thicken fine hair?

How do you thicken fine hair? For thin-haired girls, the hunt for volume is a [...]

Why do I have an itchy scalp?

Itchy scalps are common and symptoms can vary. Some cases are fairly benign, but some [...]

Should I use leave-in conditioner?

Leave-in conditioner or leave-in hair treatment, according to SofterHair, is a conditioning product that is [...]

Can I skip conditioner?

In a nutshell, no. When you know you have been exposing your hair to chemicals [...]

How do you look after coloured hair?

How do you look after coloured hair? Here’s some mega tips from the hair bods [...]

How buckwheat can nourish hair

How do you nourish your hair? Well, it pays to focus on your diet and [...]

Suffering from greasy hair?

If you’re suffering from greasy hair and an oily scalp, we recommend using La Biosthetique [...]

Suffering from dandruff?

A dry, flaky scalp can be a huge problem for anyone. And believe it or [...]

Your tool to thicker looking hair

If you don’t have fine hair, you won’t know the pain of how greasy it [...]

How to fix dry, dehydrated hair

Suffering from split ends, tangles, broken strands and brittleness? You have dry, dehydrated and/or damaged [...]

Why you might benefit from “Co-Washing”

Co-washing is a term that has been bouncing around for a while. If you’re not [...]

How to use conditioner on your hair like a pro

Conditioner is so important – for ALL hair. Curly, fine, thick, afro, dry, oily – [...]

8 great ways to look after blonde hair

Blonde hair can look great, but it’s one of the more difficult hair colours to [...]

How protein is haircare’s secret ally

Protein treatments to promote healthy hair growth are misunderstood. It’s logical to assume that because [...]

How to wash curly hair

Curly hair has its fair share of problems – when it comes to washing, you [...]

What to do with damaged hair

When you have damaged hair, you know about it. Split ends, dryness, brittleness, dehydration and [...]

How to get BIG hair

Some of us are blessed with big hair, and some of us pine for big [...]

How hair powder can give your hair va-va-voom

Could volume powder add that much needed va-va-voom to your hair? Ditch the texturizing paste [...]

How to achieve smooth, silky hair

Everyone wants smooth, silky hair – it’s the holy grail of hair types. However, Mother [...]

Why is my client’s hair so dry?

There’s many reasons for dry, brittle hair. If a client comes into your salon with [...]

How to combat hair loss

Hair loss can happen to men and women at any stage of their lives. Men [...]

What’s causing my thinning hair?

Whether you’re male or female, fine, thinning hair can be a source of embarrassment. When [...]

Everything you ever want to know about apply hair gel

Hair gel has come a long way since the 1990s. No longer the domain of [...]

Why you need to use a colour depositing conditioner

If you’re one of the 70% of women who colour their hair, you’ll know how [...]

How to condition dry and damaged hair

If you’re wondering why, after product after product, that you’re still suffering from dry hair [...]

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